Gun Control Topics to Write About & Gun Control Essay Examples

Here, we’ll take a look at essay topics that take a passionate opinion on the issue of gun control. Remember, the issue of gun control in the United States can be incredibly divisive, and it’s important that you speak carefully and respectfully in an essay about gun control to get your point across. Proponents of stricter control claim that this part of the Second Amendment should only apply to militias and that a having a society where there are more guns than people is the seed for violence. Hence, the country remains divided about the pros and cons of gun control how to start a quote leading to a deadlock. On one side of the debate, there are individuals who favor the idea of having restrictions placed on guns, and on the other hand, there are individuals who are opposed to putting gun laws in place. The individuals who are against gun control believe that controlling guns will not solve the existing challenges that guns have caused such as crimes or mass shootings. Despite the benefits that gun control provides for the wellbeing of public safety, many people oppose gun control for it violates the rights and amendment of the individual.

essay on gun control

As a result, students quickly access their parent’s shotguns and carry them to school and use them to commit crime and murder. Although anti-gun control crusaders argue that the guns will ensure their safety, there have been instances where innocent people were hurt injured and even killed. Many people who commit violent acts struggle to deal with issues in their own lives. The life of another individual lies within the hands of those who choose to carry guns, which can pose as a form of protection and as a weapon of destruction. While many lives have been taken to gun violence, many others are able to protect themselves by owning a gun. By pushing stricter gun-control laws not only will those who want a gun for the right reasons be able to, but those who are looking for guns to use for their passion crimes also will not be able to purchase one.

Charleston Loophole in Gun Control

Also, parents and educationists have taken measures to educate children on the misuse of guns through lectures and open forums. One of the techniques professors use to educate students is by assigning them assignments to write an essay on gun control. That way, students can do adequate research and review existing literature before drafting the final gun control essay. Parents have also taken steps to monitor their children’s exposure to violent video games and videos that influence them to be violent. Explains that stricter gun laws would reduce the suicide rate in the us. Connecticut passed a gun-related law to prevent criminals from obtaining guns, but also prevented suicides.

People obviously have different views on how one should properly use and gun and why. Unfortunately, it seems that these guns very often fall into the wrong hands and tragedies start to get bigger and bigger… Every research work starts with an introduction where you have to focus on what the whole paper will be about. You can mention what the essay will involve and describe some impressive background of your research. When I become a police officer it will be my duty to serve and protect the citizens of my community. There are many things that can be done to make sure that this is done in the correct manner and one of those things is… Your neighbor could be that child that walks into a school and shoots your child because we didn’t watch our concern.

Gun policy

Gun violence is related to violence that can be considered criminal, however, some cases aren’t considered criminal. In data collected by the FBI showed that firearms were used in sixty-eight percent…

  1. You can decide how to reference sources used in your text depending on your work type and your professor’s instructions.
  2. Explains that the law establishes mandatory background checks on gun purchasers.
  3. While expressing your point of view in your gun control persuasive essay, add statistical data and supporting evidence to make your research more compelling.
  4. The uk has one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world.
  5. The use of guns is something that has to be regulated to maintain safety for everyone.
  6. However, the process in obtaining these background check on any individual only lasts for three days and allows the person to purchase the gun anywhere after the dates.

Have you ever stopped to suppose about how scary it would experience and be like to lose a household members or close friends loss of life innocently, because they had been victims of a gun shooting? ” A normal Tuesday morning of going to class has suddenly turned into a nightmare no one thought would ever happen. Three gunmen enter the high school with AR-15s and chaos ensues among the entire student body. Although many Americans believe that people with mental disorders pose a danger to themselves or others, the science reveals a more nuanced picture. Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here.

Gun Control Gun Control

Statistics show that there is a direct correlation between gun ownership and gun-related deaths. Furthermore, they argue that gun control will reduce access to firearms, which will in turn reduce gun-related crime and make our streets safer. “Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave; o ‘er the land of the free and the home of the brave? It’s founders fought long and hard for the liberties that American’s enjoy today. Gun control over the years has been a controversial subject, with people arguing for both sides.

This essay will examine the current laws and regulations on gun control and how they can be improved. History and Effects of Gun Policy in the USThe public policy on ensuring everyone’s right is met made the U.S. have gun-related murders and mass shootings in public vicinities and schools. US Gun Control Insufficiency in Crime PreventionThe focus of the present US gun control policy is limited to preventing ineligible persons from being permitted to own and use firearms. Gun Control in China and USThis paper examines gun control through a comparison of the different policies that are currently used to regulate the ownership of firearms in China and the United States.

How Does The National Rifle Association Influence Politics?

However, for such strict laws to be effective and fair to everyone, they should consider people’s cultural and religious beliefs. The firearms issue has left the social sphere and into the health sector, becoming one of the leading causes of death in America. According to Resnick et al. , gun violence accounts for over 30,000 deaths every year, costing the taxpayers over 48 billion dollars in healthcare expenditure and lost wages. Over the last 15 years, close to half a 1000 word essay in pages million Americans have died due to gun-related violence. Faced with these massive deaths and healthcare costs, the existing federal law mandates dealers to conduct thorough checks on people before they buy guns (Aronow & Miller, 2016). The problem with this legislation is that private dealers and online sellers rarely conduct background checks. Resnick et al. also noted that restrictive gun laws had a positive relationship with decreased firearm-related fatality rates.

essay on gun control

Restrictive firearm laws would also save women from domestic abuse and vulnerable populations from gun-related deaths (Lynch & Logan, 2015). The recent spate of gun violence and death in the U.S. has, for the umpteenth time, charged up debate on gun control laws. The battle line is clear with proponents and opponents of stricter regulations.

School Shootings And Mass Media

There are many sides to this argument, however, there is a clear correlation between… It became a game to see who was the best shot with the air rifle in the backyard and then eventually transfer to a competition at the shooting range. We would see who could shoot the farthest and who could hit the most targets, see who could shoot the fastest and the most accurate.

  1. Instead, the party representatives strongly support the allowance of concealed carry of firearms in most public places.
  2. Due to many of these flaws with the current gun laws, a new stricter regulation is debated to be implemented in order to protect the safety and the greater good.
  3. Present events such as the gunfire in Connecticut’s elementary school and the shooting in a Colorado theater at an early morning screening of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ have convinced many government…
  4. Thousands of happy students who graduated with our essay help.
  5. Analyzes how the republican congress successfully stalls much of the gun control legislation with the help of a suppressing number of democrats.

Nevertheless, as the debate rages on to become a significant political issue, civilians can still buy guns freely. Proponents what does commentary mean in an essay of stricter laws argue that, among other things, restrictions on gun ownership would solve gun violence and deaths.

Gun Control Essay Guide: Titles, Example, Writing Tips

Firearms are such a big part of American history that it has been included in our constitution as one of our inalienable rights. The people who want stricter gun control believe that making it harder to get guns and limiting the types of guns people can use makes everyone safer since there’s less firearms in the public. Those who want more lax gun laws believe that it acts as a deterrent and as a safety measure to protect innocent citizens and themselves. As with most gun control debates there is always a lot of statistics involved in the argument. Taking a look at numbers helps to see if gun control laws are effective or not. The argument for more lax gun control laws makes more sense and has the statistics to back it up. In light of the growing number of shooting accidents and the high risk of terrorist threats, the firearms debate will go on to be a hot topic.

  1. Explains that the nra-ila lists several companies that have relocated due to gun control laws.
  2. Although gun has its positive values, it isn’t enough to balance its risks.
  3. Make sure you use hard evidence for every point or it will just count as just commentary.
  4. Opines that the gun war will continue to be debated for years to come.
  5. Get a FREE book of writing prompts and learn how to make more money from your writing.
  6. Many individuals in America believe this would be the best resolution for it is only wise to stop a person from purchasing a deadly weapon before attempting the deadly act.
  7. We provide samples for you to watch high-standard writing and borrow ideas for creativity.

Explains that critics of gun control often refer to the second amendment to justify that gun laws are unconstitutional, but in reality they are misinterpreting the constitution. Explains that people who had alcohol and drug abuse problems committed most of the crimes according to the article “in gun debate, a misguided focus on mental illness.” • But as time goes by, the support has been declining to 52 percent. People should really be aware of the consequences of such loose regulations of gun laws. Argues that the government disarms only law abiding citizens, thus putting them at a disadvantage against criminals. Gun control only affects those who obey and live by the law. Opines that harsher handgun laws and licensing are crucial to reduce crime and violence in a country.

The Practice of Gerrymandering and Gun Regulations in the Elections

From committing a murder to mass shootings in the United States. A lot of times when guns and violence come together a negative outcome occurs. The debate over gun control is complex and both sides make good points to support their argument. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to implement gun control should be left up to the individual states. what does controlling idea mean However, states should also be careful to ensure that whatever laws they pass are effective in reducing gun violence and do not infringe upon the rights of citizens. Overall, gun control is an important issue that needs to be addressed. A careful examination of the current laws and regulations is needed in order to identify areas of improvement.

  1. So, depending on the length of your paper, you will write on more or fewer points.
  2. Pete shields states that it will take about seven to ten years to get total control of handguns in the united states.
  3. Opines that the egregious level of violence in the united states is unacceptable in a developed country, and it is imperative that america adopt stronger gun control legislation.
  4. Gun owners today feel that they are entitled to their guns without rigorous processes.
  5. Gun control over the years has been a controversial subject, with people arguing for both sides.
  6. The Amendments were added to the Constitution so that it ensures that the states and citizens would have powers that would make…

Explains that the nra-ila lists several companies that have relocated due to gun control laws. Explains that the second amendment states that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” it is our right for lawful citizens to bear arms.

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