Alternate Directory 4.060 Full Version 2023

Get Alternate Directory standalone, internet setup for Windows for completely. By destroying data that match a particular record modification, it gives you more space on your hard drive.

Overview of the Alternative Directory

By destroying documents that match a particular file prolongation, this program frees up extra space on your hard drive.

There are three predefined record extension kinds that can each remain singly customized. You can clear a whole pull or just one tab. Additionally, groups can be removed or thoroughly cleaned.

It has an research mode that allows you to see which documents may become impacted beforehand. Additionally, you have the option to empty your Windows recycle al of folders. This software is open source. The is necessary. Net – construction 2.0( since Windows Vista, previously a part of the operating system )

Alternate Directory’s characteristics

  • Add more storage to your hard drive.
  • Remove records that match a particular document prolongation
  • a setting of analysis to test affected data

Technical Information and System Requirements

  • Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7 are supported Oses.
  • Ram( Memory ): 2 Gb of ram, with 4gb advised.
  • 200 Gb or more of complimentary hard disk space

Product Details

Directory is the record name. file

Developed by – Alternative Tools

Variation 4.060

Freeware of the certificate type

Date of transfer

Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Swedish, Arabic, Greek, Italian, Magyar, Greek, Polish, Brazilian, and Asian

Complete number of downloads: 56

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