The company explicitly commits to align its capital expenditure plans with its long-term GHG reduction target OR to phase out planned expenditure in unabated carbon intensive assets or products. The disclosure framework evaluates the adequacy of corporate disclosure in relation to key actions companies can take to align their businesses with the Climate Action 100+ and Paris Agreement goals. The framework reflects publicly disclosed information as of 13th May 2022 and is assessed by the Transition Pathway Initiative.
Indicator 5 is sector neutral, assessing the key elements that should comprise any company decarbonisation strategy. Sector-specific expectations can be found in the Climate Action 100+ Global Sector Strategies. Organisation Score is a measure of how supportive or obstructive evfx the company’s direct engagement is with climate policy aligned with the Paris Agreement, with 0% being fully opposed and 100% being fully supportive. Grey —The company’s Organisation Score is not applicable when its Engagement Intensity score is below 5%.
However, the vast majority of affected investors fall into the latter category. Airbus has not yet settled with, and has therefore not yet been held accountable to, investors who trade Airbus securities in Europe. Currently sub-indicator 5.2 and related metrics only apply to focus companies headquartered in the European Union (E.U.). The use of offsetting or carbon credits should be avoided and limited, if at all applied. Offsetting or ‘carbon dioxide removal’ should not be used by companies operating in sectors where viable decarbonisation technologies exist. For example, offsetting would not be considered credible if used to offset emissions for a coal-fired power plant because viable alternatives exist to coal-fired power plants.

The framework reflects publicly disclosed information as of December 31, 2021 and is assessed by the Transition Pathway Initiative. The company explicitly commits to align its capital expenditure plans with the Paris Agreement’s objective of limiting global warming to 1.5° Celsius AND to phase out investment in unabated carbon intensive assets or products. In May 2021, investors asked a Federal judge in New Jersey to approve a $5 million negotiated settlement with Airbus.
Currently Sub-indicator 5.2 and related Metrics only apply to focus companies headquartered on the European continent. The company has specified that this target covers at least 95% of its total Scope 1 and 2 emissions. The company has set an ambition to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 or sooner. Prior to launching TAC in June 2018, Ostrower served as Aviation Editor for CNN Worldwide, guiding the network’s global coverage of the business and operations of flying. Ostrower joined CNN in 2016 following four and half years at the Wall Street Journal.
Climate governance
The company’s net zero GHG emissions ambition covers the most relevant Scope 3 GHG emissions categories for the company’s sector, where applicable. List’ companies represent over 60 others that were identified via investor consultation and targeted for investor engagement. These companies either present climate-related risks to investor portfolios or pitbull trading have significant opportunities to drive the net zero transition that is not captured by emissions data alone. Read latest article here If this current support can hold, we can expect the breakout of the temporary bearish trend to end and the price action to hit 120 where it attempted several times to break higher at this resistance level but failed.

The company discloses the methodology and criteria it uses to assess the alignment of its capital expenditure plans with its decarbonisation goals, including key assumptions and key performance indicators . The company identifies the set of actions it intends to take to achieve its GHG reduction targets over the targeted timeframe. These measures clearly refer to the main sources of its GHG emissions, including Scope 3 emissions where applicable. If the company has set a Scope 3 GHG emissions target, it covers the most relevant Scope 3 emissions categories for the company’s sector , and the company has published the methodology used to establish any Scope 3 target. Since 2010 Woodsford has been helping to hold corporates to account for their egregious behaviour.
The company’s decarbonisation strategy specifies the role of ‘green revenues’ from low carbon products and services. The company quantifies key elements of this strategy with respect to the major sources of its emissions, including Scope 3 emissions where applicable. See sector-specific expectations in the Climate Action 100+ Global Sector Strategies. AMSTERDAM, Jan 7 – Lawyers who say they are representing “a hundred” institutional investors have filed a class action lawsuit against Airbus in a Dutch court, saying they suffered at least 300 million euros ($339 million) in damages as a result of company misconduct.
Engagement Intensity is a measure of the level of policy engagement by the company, whether positive or negative. Above 25%indicates increasingly active and strategic policy engagement as the percentage nears 100%, with the highest Climate Action 100+ companies currently scoring around 60%. The financial statements use, or disclose a sensitivity to, assumptions and estimates powertrend broker that are aligned with achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050 . The financial statements are consistent with the company’s other reporting. The financial statements demonstrate how material climate-related matters are incorporated. The company explicitly commits to align its disclosures with the TCFD recommendations OR it is listed as a supporter on the TCFD website.
The audit report demonstrates that the auditor considered the effects of material climate-related matters in its audit. Other reporting includes other sections of the annual report and may also include separate reporting such as sustainability reports, TCFD reports, analyst presentations, and the company’s website. To be assessed as ’Yes’, the company must have been assessed as ’Yes’ for Metric 1a. Red—At the overall Indicator level, the company receives a ‘No’ on all Sub-indicators or Metrics that make up the indicator. At the Sub-indicator level, the company receives a “No” for all Metrics that make up the Sub-indicator.
Climate policy engagement
The payment will resolve allegations the company misled shareholders about the corruption probes. The company explicitly commits to align future capital expenditures with the Paris Agreement’s objective of limiting global warming to 1.5° Celsius. The company’s CEO and/or at least one other senior executive’s remuneration arrangements specifically incorporate climate change performance as a KPI determining performance-linked compensation (reference to ‘ESG’ or ‘sustainability performance’ are insufficient).

This could have led to delay and unnecessary complications in the resolution of the litigation. The company has committed to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures . Indicator 9 is still in development and will not be assessed in the current cycle.
Contingency: Metric 8.2b is contingent on indicators 2.1 or 3.1 or 4.1 being ‘Yes’.
This assessment is provisional, meaning that information will be collected and publicly assessed as part of the March 2022 Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark, but the assessment framework will be subject to change in future iterations. InfluenceMap provides detailed analyses of corporate climate policy engagement and the alignment of company climate policy engagement actions with the Paris Agreement goals. These scores reflect InfluenceMap’s assessment as of 24 January 2022.Scores are refreshed on a continual basis.
Explore InfluenceMap’s full ranking of Climate Action 100+ focus companies. Offsets will be an area for future development in the Net Zero Company Benchmark. The company has committed to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures .
- The company ensures that its decarbonisation efforts and new projects are developed in consultation with and seek the consent of affected communities.
- The company has committed to retain, retrain, redeploy and/or compensate workers affected by decarbonisation.
- Red—At the overall Indicator level, the company receives a ‘No’ on all Sub-indicators or Metrics that make up the indicator.
- In May 2021, investors asked a Federal judge in New Jersey to approve a $5 million negotiated settlement with Airbus.
- Since 2010 Woodsford has been helping to hold corporates to account for their egregious behaviour.
This toy airplane plays realistic engine sounds along with flashing LED lights to give it realistic look and feel. ISS Securities Class Action Services will continue to monitor these three cases against Airbus – the U.S. action for when the settlement is officially signed-off, and the two Dutch cases if they proceed toward a settlement, dismissal, or discontinuance. The necessary time frame for companies to achieve net-zero GHG emissions differs depending on the sector. This calculation accommodates an assessment of the strength of the relationship between a company and an industry association, for example a stronger weighting will be attributed where a company has a representative on the board of an industry association. This indicates increasingly significant misalignment with the Paris Agreement as the percentage nears zero.
Discussions may either be in a separate climate-related K/CAM or on specific accounting topics. This Metric may also be achieved through reporting of how climate was considered in assessing risk and determining the audit approach. The audited financial statements and notes thereto incorporate material climate-related matters.
Medium-term (2026 to GHG reduction target(s)
The medium-term GHG reduction target covers at least 95% of Scope 1 & 2 emissions and the most relevant Scope 3 emissions . The long-term GHG reduction target covers at least 95% of Scope 1 & 2 emissions and the most relevant Scope 3 emissions . Woodsford also supports Airbus Investor Recovery Stichting , which is also litigating against Airbus.
Understanding the formula behind how Delta buys airplanes
The company explicitly commits to align future capital expenditures with its long-term GHG reduction target. The company identifies the set of actions it intends to take to achieve its GHG reduction targets over the targeted time frame. These measures clearly refer to the main sources of its GHG emissions, including scope 3 emissions where applicable. This sub-indicator is based on TPI’s Carbon Performance methodologies which applies the Sectoral Decarbonisation Approach , a science-based method for companies to set GHG reduction targets necessary to stay within reference climate scenarios. Details related to this company’s Carbon Performance assessment conducted by TPI may be viewed here. If the company has set a scope 3 GHG emissions target, it covers the most relevant scope 3 emissions categories for the company’s sector , and the company has published the methodology used to establish any scope 3 target.
The quantitative scenario analysis explicitly includes a 1.5° Celsius scenario, covers the entire company, discloses key assumptions and variables used, and reports on the key risks and opportunities identified. • There is a committee (not necessarily a board-level committee) responsible for climate change and that committee reports to the board or a board-level committee. The company has a Paris Agreement-aligned climate lobbying position and all of its direct lobbying activities are aligned with this. The company has set a target to increase the share of ‘green revenues’ in its overall sales OR discloses the ‘green revenue’ share that is above sector average. The intent is to assess all companies and sectors against a 1.5 degrees IPCC P1 scenario or equivalent, as and when the necessary data becomes available. The short-term GHG reduction target covers at least 95% of Scope 1 and 2 emissions and the most relevant Scope 3 emissions .
Provided by Carbon Tracker Initiative and the Climate Accounting and Audit Project
Amber—The company’s Organisation and/or Relationship score is between 50-74%. The audit report identifies that the assumptions and estimates that the company used were aligned with achieving net zero GHG emissions by or provides a sensitivity analysis on the potential implications. This Metric focuses on the auditor’s disclosure of Key or Critical Audit Matters (K/CAMs) as applicable under the relevant auditing standards.
The investor class action is separate from a $4 billion settlement Airbus agreed to in January 2020 with French, British, and U.S. regulators – resolving a pattern of corruption. “It was a pervasive and pernicious bribery scheme in various divisions of Airbus SE that went on for a number of years,” U.S. Additionally, the company agreed to “compliance monitoring” over the next three years by France’s anti-corruption agency. InfluenceMap provides detailed Paris-aligned analysis of corporate climate lobbying independently of the Climate Action 100+ Net-Zero Company Benchmark.
In a decision dated 27 July 2022, the Dutch court found against Airbus, and has agreed with AIRL, on these points. The matter will proceed before the Dutch court, and Dutch law will apply. There will not be a reference to the ECJ and there is no reason to otherwise stay the proceedings. The Dutch court therefore will now address the merits of the matter with Airbus being required to make substantive submissions later this year. In a move that would have delayed AIRL’s Dutch action, Airbus asked the District Court in Amsterdam to refer the case to the European Court of Justice , and to stay (i.e. suspend) the Dutch action pending the outcome of the ECJ referral. Further, Airbus argued that, contrary to AIRL’s simple suggestion that Dutch law should apply to the case on the basis inter alia that Airbus has its statutory seat in The Netherlands, Airbus argued that some combination of French, German and Spanish law might apply.
Decarbonisation strategy
In order to be assessed as “Yes” on this Metric in the March 2022 iteration, companies must quantify the approximate proportion of emissions reduction each action in their decarbonisation strategy will contribute to their overall greenhouse gas reduction target. For more details, see the 2022 Disclosure Framework assessment methodology. In order to be assessed as “Yes” on this Metric in the March 2022 and October iterations, companies must quantify the approximate proportion of emissions reduction each action in their decarbonisation strategy will contribute to their overall greenhouse gas reduction target.
Relationship Score is a measure of how supportive or obstructive the company’s industry associations are towards climate policy aligned with the Paris Agreement, with 0% being fully opposed and 100% being fully supportive. The company’s other reporting on climate provides the context for evaluating the financial statements, but is not separately assessed. The company has made a formal statement recognising the social impacts of their climate change strategy—the Just Transition—as a relevant issue for its business.
The company’s Relationship Score is not applicable when it does not maintain significant links to industry associations actively influencing climate policy (as per InfluenceMap’s current database). Currently, the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario and related price deck are used for this assessment, where applicable. This sets out a pathway to reach net zero emissions by mid-century and keep the global temperature rise to 1.5°C with a 50% probability. However, additional updated reference scenarios may become available over time. The company’s executive remuneration scheme incorporates climate change performance elements. The company discloses the methodology used to determine the Paris alignment of its future capital expenditures.